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"1st 100" Booster Packs (Pre-Kickstarter)

Our "First 100" Booster packs, are a treasure trove stemming from our inaugural print run of booster packs. Our Dark variant packs originate from the initial 50 booster boxes we ever had printed and received, though an issue with the ink shade led to their classification as "misprint error packs." A limited series with merely 50 boxes ever crafted, these packs hold a unique allure among collectors.


Conversely, our light variant packs mark the culmination of our "Pre Kickstarter" collection. Prior to transitioning manufacturers, we meticulously curated 100 boxes of these packs. For avid collectors of our Trading Card Game, they represent an indispensable slice of Knights & Summons history. Seize the chance to acquire these foundational cards from the earliest phases of our Trading Card Game – an exclusive opportunity before they vanish into obscurity!

"1st 100" Booster Packs (Pre-Kickstarter)

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