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How To Play

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Knights & Summons Trading Card Game

Learning to play the Knights & Summons TCG is easy for newcomers to card games to learn and seamless for players who currently play TCGs. That’s because we built Knights & Summons to play as a hybrid of multiple popular TCG mechanics with a few of our own spiced in. Below is everything you need to start your first game.

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Alternative Game styles

Creator's Tower


This game mode uses a central deck that all players draw from and treat as their "portal".

This variation can be played in free-for-all (FFA) or two headed giant (2HG). The suggested soul points required for victory mirror that of the standard game modes.


The central tower consists of the maximum amount of each card in the defined set. For Origins, this would be 1 of each card #1 to #124. Cards that are allowed multiple copies (M) are increased to 3 each. Additional cards like box toppers, starting portals, and collector packs may also be included if the group wishes.


Each player maintains control of the cards they draw from the portal with the exception of cards that are returned to the portal by effect (EX: "Ivory Mech Knight" or "Ancient Deep Sea Armor"). Cards that players control that are sent to discard, banishment, or exile go to those zones on their field.

The typical turn structure stays the same for this game mode.

Enjoy challenging the Creator's Tower!


Credit - John Wyatt Khieffer 

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